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EP 11 - Gladiador

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EP 11 - Gladiador Empty EP 11 - Gladiador

Mensagem por anakin Qua Fev 05, 2014 8:16 pm

Como venho prometendo, hoje lhes entrego o update que trará a nova classe para o Cabal, Gladiador. Primeiramente em inglês, mas com o tempo vou traduzindo. Tá meio bagunçado, mas vou ajeitando conforme traduzo. Abraços!



1. Corrigido bug relacionado aos drops da Torre dos Mortos Enfraquecida:
      -Corrigo bug onde não dropava item do Cão Zumbi
      -Corrigido bug que dropava o livro de skill "Congelar Mana" na Dungeon.
2. Corrigido bug que não aplicava corretamente as fórmulas para HP e Precisão
3. Modificado para obter Pontos de Honra normalmente quando este atingir o limite máximo
4. Corrigido bug de disconnect ao fazer determinadas quest's de personagens recém criados
5. Corrigido bug referente ao HP do personagem
6. Corrigido bug relativo ao Scroll Épico de Reset da Moto (em algumas situações poderia desaparecer o slot também)
7. Modificado a ferramenta de aprimoramento dos itens - agora inclui Motos também
8. Corrigido bug que fazia o Gladiador parar de se mover quando o jogador o tentava pelo teclado
9. Corrigido bug relativo ao slot de "Taxa Crítica" para Moto PW5, este não era aplicado normalmente.
10. Corrigido bugs de disconnect do jogo em certas situações

■ Mudanças

1. Modificado sistema recompensa de Honra

Grade de Pontos de Honra modificado
Diminuído em relação aos valores antigos.

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131127_honor_exchange

Compensação de WEXP, de acordo com a honra atual (cada personagem será compensado uma vez)

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131127_wexp_exchange

Modificado a quantidade de honra recebida para diferentes Graus de Honra

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131127_wexp_exchange_rate

Modificado recompensa das quests de honra
-mudanças relativas às recompensas das quests, agora ao completar, receberá um Elixir de Honra ligado ao personagem e a quantidade de honra será em base no Grau de Batalha

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131127_honor_quest_reward

1. Expansão das opções épicas das motos

Antigo - Sub Épico: 3

Modificad - Top Épico: 3

Limite varia dependendo da moto
Moto Azul: Até 1 Top Épico
RW3: Até 2 Top Épico
PW5: Até 3 Top Épico

Conversor de Moto Épico irá gerar uma opção aleatória, com base no grau da moto (Azul, RW3 e PW5)

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_bike_epic_expansion

3. Modificado missão do grau 190

Missão modificou para caçar 40 monstros em Vestígio Arcano (um tipo específico de monstro)

4.Bosses Únicos de nível baixo agora dropam 3 itens invéz de 2
5. Modificado o modo no qual mostra as informações das skills

Skill que diminui os stats do personagem
Ex) Espírito Sangrento, Frenesi

Antigo: -60% de Defesa
Mudança: Defesa x40%

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_skill_stats_reduction_display

6. Mudanças nas categorias da Casa de Leilão

Minesta / Pedra de Desligamento do Golem Arcano > Chakram

Itens Aleatórios > Cubo de Item > Shineguard (protetor, guarda e místico eu acho) / Cubo de Sigmetal

■ Adições

1. Adição de nova classe, Gladiador

-Utiliza arma de uma mão e usa Armadura

-Armas: Chakram
-Set: Armaduras (como GU e GA)

Adição de novo sistema de "Fúria" no qual afeta as skills.

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_gladiator_intro

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131124_ep11_gl_attack_skills_1

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131124_ep11_gl_attack_skills_2

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EP 11 - Gladiador 20131124_ep11_gl_secondary_skills

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131124_ep11_gl_passive_skills

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131127_gladiator_buffs1

Sistema de Fúria
-Neste momento, sistema não será utilizado. Uso será revelado em updates futuros

Available for Gladiator only
On the top left of screen, merged into Character UI, number of Rage can be checked
By using skill, Rage will be gained
Rage will be gained only when Gladiator hits the target successfully
If target evades or character's hit is missed, Rage won't be gained

Rage can be gained when attacking both monsters and characters
By attacking dummy , Rage won't be gained

In certain situations, Rage will be consumed when attack
Depending on Rage, skills' stats (including attacks and buffs) are vary
Maximum of Rage amount bases on Battle Style rank
Higher Battle Style rank means higher maximum of Rage

Rage amount will be maintained for 5 seconds
After 5 seconds, Rage amount will be automatically reduced
For every 2 seconds, one Rage bar will be reduced

Rage gives additional effects for skills
Attack Skills
Damage varies depending on the number of Rage
Number of Rage affects the amount of “Additional Damage” and Attack skills’ stats

Heal Skills
Healing amount varies depending on the number of Rage
Number of Rage affects Heal skills’ stats

Buff skills
Buff stats varies depending on the number of Rage
Number of Rage affects Buff skills’ stats

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_siena_rage_system

Chakram is weapon for only Gladiator
Upgrade and Option Granting progresses are the same as existing one-handed weapons

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_chakram_stats_comparison

Add new categories in Auction Hall for Chakram
Add new drops for Gladiator's equipments
In all map and dungeons, Weapons and Armors for Gladiator are added
Added low-level unique weapons / armors drops

Rage-related handling on death / resurrection changed
When character revived in Village / Used Odd Circle / Used Honorable Odd Circle : Rage will be reset to 0
When character used Superior Odd Circle : Rage will be maintained

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_gladiator_items_drop

2. New Mission Battle “Nostalgia Forest”

Nostalgia Forest
New standard Mission Battlefield
Battle between two teams, each team has 3 members, up to 6 players in a battle
Entry method: Via Mission Battle NPC
Procyon : Instructor Gette – Desert Scream
Capella : Instructor Kallua – Green Despair

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_mb_npc

Entry limitation: Character at 150+ with nation

50 minutes

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_mb2_minimap

Battle will be ended before the time is out, when the “Altar of Ancient” is destroyed
Winning team is the team which destroyed the altar

Battle will be ended when the time is out
Winning team is the team which has more score

Each team has its own point
Scoring point method
Point will automatically increase by 5 for every 5 secs (subject to be changed)
Kill opposite team’s member
Kill monsters
Destroy battle buildings

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_mb_guardians

Score will be sum amount of points
Score will be calculated to level
How to score
Score will automatically increase by 10 for every 5 secs (subject to be changed)
By scoring point of team’s member will be added to team’s score

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_mb_spirits

Battlefield level
Battlefield level is the team’s level, that will be applied in Nostalgia Forest
Level will raise based on team’s score
Stats of battle will be depended on Battle level

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_mb_troll_hunter

Basic Buffs
Basic Buffs are available in 4 types
Strengthen Attack
Strengthen Defense
Strengthen Critical
Strengthen Resistance

When chacter entered Mission Battlefield a random Buff will be applied (randomly choosen from 4 types)
Buffs are able to level up by buying
Buffs are able to buy from Buff Store
Buying Buff consumes Point

Special Battle Rules
Applying different skill stats, skill duration, skill cooldown
Recovery Potions / Buff Potions / Special Potions / Holy Water Potions are unable to use
Only Party chat is usable in Battlefield

Bush Areas
Bush Area is special area in game that
Opposite Team’s members cannot see other ones
Opposite Team’s members cannot attack other ones

3. Chaos Enhancement System

Add new accessories : Minesta’s Chaotic Belt
Minesta’s Belt of Guardian
Minesta’s Belt of Fighter
Minesta’s Belt of Sage

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_minesta_chaotic_belt_types

Purchasable from Deighton (Grocer) in Bloody Ice
2,000,000 Alz
Stain Clones x1

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_minesta_chaotic_belt_npc

Belt options: Based on Belt type, different options are available

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_minesta_chaotic_belt_option

Minesta’s Chaotic Belt can be upgraded
Minesta’s Chaotic Belt can be upgrade via Chaos Upgrading System
Belt will be destroyed on upgrading fail
Belt stats will be changed on upgrading success, based on grade

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_minesta_chaotic_belt_upgrade

Chaos Upgrading
Material: Chaos Core

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_chaos_core_piece

Chaos Upgraded items can not be upgraded via Extreme Upgrading System
Upgrade via Upgrading UI

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_belt_upgrade

Upgrade Point can not be used (won’t affect the Chaos Upgrading result)

Chaos Core
Chaos Core is material for Chaos Upgrading
Can be acquired via Requesting

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_chaos_core_requesting

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_chaos_core_registering

Piece of Chaos can be gained as monster’s drop
Property : Tradable
Add new category in Auction Hall
Upgrade related items > Core > Chaos Core

4. Add feature for Bike Extreme Upgrading

Bikes are now allowed to Extreme Upgrade
Extreme Upgrade for Bikes can be done via Alchemist NPCs

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_bike_extreme_upgrade_npc

Limitation of Extreme Upgrade stage

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_bike_extreme_max_grade

Extreme Upgrading Fee for Bikes

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_bike_extreme_fee

Extreme Upgrading Options for Bikes

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131204_pw5_extreme

Penalty of Extreme Upgrading failure
Extreme Upgrading grade can be reset or unable to equip (repairable)

5. Add feature for initializing Bike Epic

Allow resetting Bike Epic option when using the Bike Epic Resetting Scroll
Bike Epic Resetting Scroll
Reset Bike’s Epic option when using on Bike with Epic option
Resetting Scroll will be destroyed after using
Resetting progress is 100% success
Property: Tradable
Add new category in Auction Hall:
Upgrade related items > Reset Scroll > Bike

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_bike_epic_resetting_scroll

6. Add new Extreme Core / Extreme Core Pocket

Add new Extreme Cores
Extreme Core (Lv. 11)
Extreme Core (Lv. 12)

Extreme Core extraction
Output will be Extreme Core pieces

Add new categories in Auction Hall
Upgrade related items > Core > Extreme Core
Lv. 11
Lv. 12

Add new output for Extreme Core Pocket (Unique / Premium)
Extreme Core Pocket (Unique)
100% chance to generate 1 or more Extreme Core Lv. 10
Chance to generate 1x Extreme Core Lv. 11

Extreme Core Pocket (Premium)
Chance to generate Extreme Core 1 or more Extreme Core Lv. 12

Extreme Core Pocket (Normal) requesting materials
Requesting now required 20x Extreme Core (Piece) in addition

Add Extreme Core Pocket (Normal)
Extreme Core Lv. 1 ~ Lv. 7 : 1x Core

How to obtain
Purchasable directly from NPC Chloe in Port Lux

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_extreme_core_pocket_chloe

7. Add new item "Siena's Bracelet"

Add ability to extract "Prideus's Bracelet"
When extracting gives 100% to get "Prideus's Bracelet Piece"
Property: Character Binding

Add new item "Siena's Bracelet Piece"
Details: Material to crafting Siena's Bracelet
How to obtain: Can be obtained from Legendary Chest of final boss of Altar of Siena B2F
Property: Character Binding

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_siena_prideus_piece

Sealed Siena's Bracelet
Right click to produce Siena's Bracelet as output

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_siena_bracelet_craft

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_siena_bracelet_craft_materials

Siena's bracelet
Higher grade of Prideus's Bracelet
Can be obtained from Sealed Siena's Bracelet
Chance to obtain Siena's Bracelet with one slot filled with Accuracy or Penetration)

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_siena_bracelet

Wearing requirement
Level 135 or above
Honor grade 13 or above

Property: Character Binding

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_siena_bracelet_stats

Add new category in Auction Hall: Accessories > Bracelets > Siena's Bracelet

Add new Siena's Bracelet Unbinding Stone
Gives chance to unbind character-binding Siena's Bracelet
Property will be tradable after using successfully

On failure, Siena's Bracelet will be destroyed
Add new category in Auction Hall: Unbinding Stone > Siena's Bracelet Unbinding Stone

8. Character Slot Expansion

Character Limitation extended to 7 slots
Add Character Slot Extender to NPC Shop
Grocer Sally in Fort Ruina

Name: Character Slot Extender (7)
Properties: Character-Binding

Sale Price
500,000,000 Alz

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131123_ep11_7th_slot

9. Add new skill effects for Elemental Dominator (Wizard Battle Mode 3 skill) (Below are relative stats, not absolute ones)

Magic Skill Amp. Up
104% at level 1
At level 7 will be 110% (+1% per level)

Critical Damage Increase
104% at level 1
At level 7 will be 110% (+1% per level)

EP 11 - Gladiador 1504056_645021042220827_766226228_n

10. Add option for displaying HP bars

Options > Display > Show all HP bars
Show all HP bars of targets on screen

Monsters : Yellow HP bar
Aggressive Character : Red HP bar

EP 11 - Gladiador 20131113_ep11_pnotes_show_all_hp_bars

Dec 12th 2013

■ Fixes
1. Gravity Distortion / Bear Vital animation displayed abnormally, bug is fixed
2. When character wears Epaulet of Sage combining with Drei-Frame set the effect did not apply normally, bug is fixed
3. Special Inventory did not give compensation for Gladiator, bug is fixed
4. Honor classes applied abnormally, bug is fixed
5. In certain situations Legacy Chest in Tower of the Dead B1F did not give items

Dec 13th 2013

■ Fixes
1. 7th character slot has not been created normally, bug is fixed
2. In some situations, dungeon rewards did not compensated/displayed normally, bug is fixed
3. Dungeon name in Event Window displayed abnormally, bug is fixed
4. Level requirement of Chakram displayed abnormally, bug is fixed

■ Mission War
1. Gladiators' costumes show abnormally, bug is fixed

Dec 18th 2013

■ Fixes
1. In certain situations, Extreme upgrade throws error to client, bug is fixed
2. Lake in Dusk gives Slot Extender (Low) with Character-Binding as drop, bug is fixed
3. Character which is dead while Battle Mode 1 is on could not use Odd Circle to revive
4. Gladiator's related error

Bug related to BSLV up #9, the quest message displayed abnormally when talking with Officer
PVP achievement for killing Gladiator did not count

5. Tooltip of some Blended Rune displayed incorrect values of some options
6. Level requirement of some items calculated abnormally

Level required for Epic Astral Bike - PW5 was increased when Epic is available
Level required for Epic Archridium is always the same, regardless of Epic grade

■ Changes
1. Reward EXP for clearing Quest Dungeon and for completing Scenario Quest changed
2. Special Inventory compensation changed
3. Epic Archridium stats requirement varies based on class restriction

■ Mission War
1. Allow using "Show all HP gauge" option in Mission War
2. Fixed bug related to moving skills in Mission War

Dec 19th 2013

■ Fixes
1. Fixed bug that causes AP disappeared when using AP Saver in certain situations

Dec 20th 2013

■ Additions
1. Add "Eternal Chaos Arena"

Entry Level: LV.130+
Entry Item: Key of Eternity
Key of Eternity can be bought from NPC Grocer - Deighton in Bloody Ice
Price: 3,500,000 Alz
Property: Account-Binding

Entry Location: Same position with original Chaos Arena

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131220_key_of_eternity

Dungeon time limit: 10 minutes
DP Reward on completion: 8DP
There are 15 waves of monsters and there will be 1 boss for every 5 waves

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131220_eternal_chaos_arena

All monsters in dungeon could drop "Piece of Chaos" with Account-Binding property
Stronger monsters give higher chance to drop "Piece of Chaos"

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20131220_piece_of_chaos

Dec 24th 2013

■ Fixes
1. Fixed bug related to Mission Battle Result UI
2. Fixed bug related to "The message for Aldebaran" quest
3. Fixed bug that could not buy Upgrade skill books from Instructor NPCs
4. Fixed bugs related to Chaos Arena

Fixed bug that drops abnormally number of items from Legendary Chest in Chaos Arena
Fixed bug that causes client disconnection after opened Legendary Chest in Chaos Arena

■ Changes
1. Reduces number of monster from original Chaos Arena Lv1 - Lv6

■ Additions
1. Add new achievements

How to get the Bracelet of Siena
Feel the power of Chaos
New Bracelets

Lord of Chaos

■ Mission War
1. Fixed bug that caused certain character could not be selected as Guardian

Jan 02nd 2014

■ Fixes
1. Fixed bug that causes certain achievements could not be completed
2. Fixed bug related to Legacy / Saints' Weapon

Attack Rate was applied abnormally
Requirement for equipping was applied abnormally

3. Gladiator skills' related errors

In some situations, party members are not able to get the effect of "Sight Increase" skill from Gladiator
Fixed bug that animation of Chakram skills flight too far from the targets of skills

4. Fixed bug that did not give Skill Books for Force Blader in basic quests
5. Fixed bug that caused hair styles displayed abnormally when character wears Mithril Visor

■ Changes
1. Allow using "7" key (number seven) for selecting 7th slot in character selection screen

■ Additions
1. Add timer for Eternal Chaos Arena

The same mechanism to the time of original Chaos Arena

■ Mission War
1. Fixed bug that causes the HP gauge in Mission War displayed abnormally when Force Archer in Twin Gunner mode and is targeting two targets

Jan 08th 2014

■ Changes
1. Change property of "Cat Stone" quest item in Forgotten Temple B1F Dungeon

Cat Stone item will not disappear after reconnected
The item is able to sell to NPC

2. NPC shops that sell Mission War items in Green Despair and Desert Scream were standing at abnormal positions
3. Changes are applied to Special Inventory timer
4. Remove some tips from System Tip Messages

Jan 15th 2014

■ Fixes
1. Some unusual rewards will be compensated on dungeon completion, bug is fixed
2. In certain situations, Odd Circle that bought from Cash Shop is not able to use
3. When using a Armor Switching Card, confirmation window did not display normally
4. Image of Gladiator armor pieces in inventory did not display normally, bug is fixed
5. Tooltip of Extreme Core Pocket (Unique) display abnormally, bug is fixed

■ Changes
1. After releasing Battle Mode, there will be message that shows when changing weapon
2. Remove system message for showing the expiration of Premium Service
3. Change image in inventory of some Chakram costumes

■ Additions
1. Allow comparing Extreme Upgrade stats and stats of Chaotic Belt
2. Allow changing appearance of Astral Bike - PW5

EP 11 - Gladiador 20140119_ep11_20140115_pw5_appearance

■ Mission War
1. Fixed bug that Guild Ranking did not change with certain character score in Mission War

Jan 22nd 2014

■ Fixes
1. Fixed bug that showed stats comparing abnormally
2. Fixed bug that showed the Warrior Class Icon incorrectly

Jan 29th 2014

■ Fixes
1. Fixed bug that unable to proceed quest steps
2. Fixed bug that displayed Bike with Blue Flare Deco abnormally in moving state
3. Fixed bug that caused abnormally showing of talk sequences while character is riding Bike and talking with NPC Grocer Deighton

■ Changes
1. Change the way of showing unusable Skill Book in Inventory
2. Change the way of showing requirement of “Plate of Honor” in tooltip

■ Mission War
1. Rearranged items in NPC in Mission War Lobby to match with NPC Dispatch Officers
2. Add Mission War Nation Costume (Capella / Procyon)

EP 11 - Gladiador 20130906_ep11_compensation_dispatcher

Última edição por anakin em Qui Fev 06, 2014 9:37 am, editado 3 vez(es)

Mensagens : 12
Data de inscrição : 24/01/2014
Idade : 31
Localização : Caxias Do Sul TCHÊ

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EP 11 - Gladiador Empty Re: EP 11 - Gladiador

Mensagem por anakin Qua Fev 05, 2014 8:18 pm


Skills em Slow Motion

BM1 e BM2

Última edição por anakin em Qua Fev 05, 2014 8:55 pm, editado 2 vez(es)

Mensagens : 12
Data de inscrição : 24/01/2014
Idade : 31
Localização : Caxias Do Sul TCHÊ

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EP 11 - Gladiador Empty Re: EP 11 - Gladiador

Mensagem por TrapX Qua Fev 05, 2014 8:29 pm



Mensagens : 11
Data de inscrição : 24/01/2014

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EP 11 - Gladiador Empty Re: EP 11 - Gladiador

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